Complete Epidemiological Bulletin updated until 09.07.2020
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The Complete Epidemiological Bulletin that we present brings updated data until July 9, 2020. It contains confirmed cases of Covid-19 among indigenous people in Maranhão, still based on the epidemiological bulletins of the Municipal Health Departments of 11 municipalities in the state that focus on indigenous lands. In the previous bulletin, of June 29, 2020, there were only 9 municipalities. The table shows the new locations (villages and / or areas) with confirmed cases.
We emphasize the addition of data from the SEMUS bulletins in the municipalities of Maranhãozinho and Centro do Guilherme. The two municipalities focus on the Alto Turiaçu TI where the Awá Guajá, Ka'apor and Tembé peoples are located. However, we have no information on the health status of Tembé. About the Awá, the complaint of a family that was contaminated by Covid-19 at CASAI in São Luís was published. At first, we know that this family would come from TI Caru, however we do not have precise information about this situation, since these data they do not appear in the SEMUS bulletins of the municipalities that affect this TI, Bom Jardim and São João do Caru. The municipality of Bom Jardim notifies confirmed cases of Covid-19 among indigenous people, but does not do so specifically by people and / or IT. And the municipality of São João do Caru does not include indigenous cases in its bulletins. In addition, SESAI / DSEI-MA continues without specifying the cases confirmed by people, TI or village, making it difficult to access and access this data. After more detailed research on the Maranhãozinho city hall website, we found that SEMUS has notified cases of indigenous people in its bulletins since July 1, 2020. We were unable to access bulletins prior to that date. At that time, the number registered was already 52 confirmed cases, in the village Aximborenda, Ka'apor people. In the bulletin of Centro do Guilherme we identified that SEMUS has notified cases of indigenous people in its bulletins since June 15, 2020. At that time, the number registered was already 69 cases, a number that remains unchanged 1 month later. Therefore, TI Alto Turiaçu accounts for a total of 121 confirmed cases of Covid-19.
In the Araribóia TI, where the Awá and Tenthar / Guajajara live, on June 29, 2020, there were 25 cases reported in SEMUS in Amarante do Maranhão. On July 9, 2020 it increased to 78, a percentage increase of 212%. In Arame, a municipality that also affects the TI Araribóia (in addition to the Geralda Toco Preto IT), an increase of 24 cases was identified, from 119 to 143 (20%), all in the TI Araribóia, Tenthar / Guajajara people. Thus, the total number of confirmed cases at TI Arariboia reached 221 records.
In the SEMUS bulletin of Grajaú, a municipality that is located in the center of the largest number of indigenous lands in the state, we observed an increase of seven (7) villages in relation to the last bulletin, concentrated in the TI Bacurizinho. The number of confirmed cases from Covid-19 which on June 29 was 36 records, on July 9 increased to 52, 16 more cases, an increase of 44%. Still taking SEMUS data from the municipality of Grajaú as a base, we identified the record of 02 cases in the TI Morro Branco (Morro Branco village) and 02 cases in the TI Urucu-Juruá (Urucu-Juruá village), temptation / Guajajara people.
In the Canabrava / Guajajara TI, we bring data from SEMUS in Barra do Corda and Jenipapo dos Vieiras, municipalities that are subject to this TI. In Barra do Corda, a municipality with a significant indigenous population, there was a percentage increase of 460%, from 23 cases to 129 confirmed cases. In the SEMUS newsletter of Jenipapo dos Vieiras, which focuses on the Cana Brava / Guajajara and Lagoa Comprida TIs, an increase from 264 confirmed cases to 302 was identified, with the registration in 4 more new villages. In this way, the TI Canabrava / Guajajara has a total of 431 confirmed cases of Covid-19 among the Tenthar / Guajajara. In the municipality of Bom Jardim, incident at the Rio Pindaré and Caru TIs, there was an increase of 7 cases. Recalling that on June 19 there were 80; on June 22 it dropped to 30; on June 29 it grew to 48 and now, on July 9, it continues to grow, registering 55 cases.
In TI Governador, where the Gavião / Pukopjê and Tenthar / Guajajara live, there was an increase of 02 cases, from 09 to 11, notified by SEMUS in Amarante do Maranhão. In Fernando Falcão's SEMUS newsletter, which focuses on TI's Kanela and Porquinhos, the data for the 9th day possibly presents a considerable number of recovered among the indigenous people in the villages Escalvado and Aldeia Velha, despite not making this specification clearly about the reduction in the number of confirmed / contaminated. On June 29, there were 70 cases in the village Escalvado, now there are 32; there were 28 in Aldeia Velha, now there are 6.
At TI Porquinhos, Porquinhos village, where the Apaniekra / Canela live, the numbers remain the same: 64 cases. In this way, Fernando Falcão's bulletin presents a picture of 60 indigenous people recovered between June 29 and July 9, 2020. In the municipality of Montes Altos, which affects TI Krikati, the number of cases in the 3 registered villages remained the same. themselves. In the Sítio Novo bulletin, also incident at TI Krikati, the number of confirmed cases remains the same since the first mapping on 31.05.2020, totaling 52 cases at TI Krikati.
The municipalities that continue without reporting cases of Covid-19 among indigenous peoples in Maranhão: Araguanã (Last updated: 18.06.2020), Bom Jesus das Selvas (Last updated: 09.07.2020), Buriticupu (Last updated: 09.07.2020) , Cândido Mendes (Last updated: 25.06.2020), Centro Novo do Maranhão (Last updated: 06.07.2020), Governor Newton Bello (Last updated: 03.07.2020), Itaipava do Grajaú (Last updated: 06.07.2020), Lajeado New (Last updated: 31.05.2020), Matinha (Last updated 07.07.2020), Monção (Last updated: 03.06.2020), Nova Olinda do Maranhão (Last updated: 02.07.2020), Penalva (Last updated 09.07.2020) , Raposa (Last update: 09.07.2020), Ribamar Fiquene (Last update: 14.06.2020), Santa Luzia (Last update: 08.06.2020), Santa Luzia do Paruá (Last update: 07.07.2020), São João do Caru (Last updated: 16.06.2020), São José de Ribamar (Last updated: 09.07.2020),, Viana (Last updated zation: 09.07.2020) and Zé Doca (Last updated: 18.06.2020).