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Map confirmed cases of Covid-19 in indigenous peoples in Maranhão (09.07.2020)


On July 20, 2020, we published our Complete Epidemiological Bulletin, with updated data until July 9 of the current year. We take as a basis the epidemiological bulletins from the Municipal Health Secretariats of 11 municipalities in the state of Maranhão that focus on indigenous lands and that register the indigenous cases of Covid-19 in their bulletins. In the previous bulletin, of June 29, 2020, there were only 9 municipalities. In this we bring data from two municipalities not previously mentioned: Centro do Guilherme and Maranhãozinho, incidents on the Alto Turiaçu TI, with confirmed cases among the Ka'apor people. The map we presented was prepared by prof. Fredson Anderson Brito de Castro, member of the IFMA / Campus Coelho Neto Nucleus of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous Studies (NEABI) who, using data from Rede (CO) VIDA, prepared the Spatial Distribution of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in indigenous peoples of the Maranhão. It shows quantitative data on the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in 11 Indigenous Lands in the state and also the number of indigenous cases per municipality, showing the increase in the number of notified cases of the new coronavirus in these areas. The TIs that appear on the map are those already demarcated, based on IBGE data from 2019. It should be noted that there are people who do not yet have demarcated territories, such as Gamela, Tremembé da Raposa and Tremembé do Engenho. The municipalities where these peoples are located make no mention of indigenous cases in their bulletins. In addition, Sesai notifies only the cases of indigenous villagers and, thus, justifies the non-attendance of these peoples. We reiterate that, of the eleven municipalities that register cases of Covid-19 in indigenous peoples, only the municipality of Amarante do Maranhão brings these records by IT, like the TIs Arariboia and Governador, but without specifying the people. The qualification of the data, as well as the organization of them by IT and people, has been a strategy of the Network (CO) VIDA in order to make visible the specificities of the peoples.

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In view of the current scenario of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country, which is going through the worst phase since the first case of contamination in March 2020, continuing to make the health situation of indigenous peoples in the state visible and mapping the Covid-19 pandemic continues being a challenge. In a context of dissemination of fake news and denials that has affected the indigenous people and made it impossible to immunize the different peoples spread across the state, with a very high number of refusals, present the vaccination data and invest in their publication in a specific and differentiated way , is synonymous with love and appreciation of life.

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