Vaccination bulletin 1st dose COVID-19
On February 16, 2021, the Special Indigenous Health District of Maranhão (DSEI-MA), linked to the Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health (SESAI), released data referring to the vaccination of indigenous people against COVID-19 in the state, which counts with a total of 9,036 doses of vaccines applied. The Vaccination Bulletin presents the numbers referring to the application of the first dose of the vaccine and is organized by base poles (Amarante, Bom Jesus das Selvas, Krikati, Barra do Corda, Zé Doca, Arame, Grajaú, Santa Inês and Viana), Casa de Indigenous Health (CASAI), in São Luís, Imperatriz and Teresina.

It is important to highlight the large number of refusals, especially in Barra do Corda (2,318), Amarante (1,008), Arame (866), Grajaú (718) and Santa Inês (356). The poles with the fewest refusals were Krikati (67), Bom Jesus das Selvas (25) and Zé Doca (07). In the different locations of Casai and in the center of Viana there was no refusal. However, even where these numbers are lower, the overall picture is worrying, given the vulnerability of indigenous peoples to Covid-19, with a high degree of contagion and a significant number of deaths. We reinforce the importance of the “Vaccine Parente” campaign articulated by the indigenous movement as a symbol of resistance and struggle by indigenous peoples and against negationism in indigenous territories.