Public demonstration against the neglect in health care of indigenous peoples in the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil
We saw the public manifest and denounce the negligence of the Federal Government, through the Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health-SESAI, in relation to the treatment to be given to indigenous peoples during the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Brazil, in March 2020, health actions for the protection and social distance of indigenous peoples by the responsible federal bodies, which should respect ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity, have only occurred after complaints by Indigenous Movements and indigenists in the country and abroad, and even then, with serious flaws in its execution, principles and dissemination of epidemiological bulletins in the face of the great diversity of peoples located in the Brazilian territory. We reject SESAI's actions that do not consider the ethnic specificities of the people when not using and not specifying, in their bulletins about the pandemic, categories such as territory, Indigenous Land, community, village - fundamental for an adequate diagnosis of the needs and planning of the necessary actions , in each case - reinforcing the historical invisibility of the Amerindian peoples; we also reject SESAI's lack of service to
indigenous people living in an urban context, outside indigenous territories, as well as their absence, as indigenous people, in the notifications, linking their Indianity to their link with an already demarcated Indigenous Land, disrespecting ILO Convention 169, which guarantees the right to self-declaration of peoples . We also reject the lack of notification of indigenous cases by hospitals, linking them to the racial category of “browns”; the distribution of unauthorized drugs that are not recognized by scientific research with national and international support for the treatment of the new coronavirus, as well as the absence of a health plan by the federal government and support (financial and logistical) for actions to combat the pandemic , carried out by the indigenous and indigenist movements themselves. The inefficiency of the federal government explains the GENOCID character of the Brazilian State in relation to indigenous peoples.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The following instances sign this manifestation of repudiation and denunciation:
We are a family owned and operated business.
Rede (CO) VIDA-Covid-19 Pandemic Mapping Network in Maranhão / Coletivo Mururu
Department of Sociology and Anthropology (DESOC / UFMA)
Graduate Program in Culture and Society (PPGCULT / UFMA)
Graduate Program in Social Sciences (PPGCSOC / UFMA)
Coordination Course on Social Sciences / UFMA
Collegiate of the Humanities / Sociology Course - São Bernardo Campus
Campus São Bernardo-UFMA
NEABI / IFMA (Campus Coelho Neto) - Center for Afro-Brazilian and indigenous studies. Federal Institute of Maranhão-Campus Coelho Neto
Extension and research center with Rural, Black, Quilombola and Indigenous populations and communities, from the Postgraduate Program in Health and Environment at UFMA (NuRuNI / PPGSA / UFMA)
National Association of Indigenous Action-Maranhão (ANAÍ-MA)
APRUMA - Union Session of the ANDES National Union
Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of São Luís
Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies / UFMA (NEAB / UFMA)
Center for Ethnology and Image / UFMA
Interdisciplinary Nucleus in African and Afro-Brazilian Studies (NIESAFRO / UFMA)
Research Group on Epistemology of Anthropology, Ethnology and Politics (CNPq / UFMA)
Multicultural State and Public Policy Research Group (UFMA)
Study Group on Sociology and Education Research (GESPE / UFMA)
Research Group on Religion and Popular Culture (GP Mina / UFMA)
Study Group on Politics, Social Struggles and Ideologies (GEPOLIS / UFMA)
Hegemony and Struggle Study Group in Latin America (GEHLAL / UFMA)
Study Group: Development, Modernity and Environment (GEDMMA / UFMA)
Study Group and Research on Social Forms (GEPFS / UFMA)
Indigenous and Indigenous Studies Group in Maranhão / UFMA
Study Group on Democracies, States and Territorialities in Latin America (GAL / UFMA)
Gender, Memory and Identity Study Group (GENI / UFMA)
Marxist Ontology and Social Thought Study Group (GEOPS / UFMA)
Gender and Education Study Group Chita / Gitã.
Fluctuates = Flows and Temporalities in Anthropological Universes